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Alphabetical Listing of Quoted Individuals: R.
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| Monisha Rajesh
She studied postgraduate journalism at City University, London and has written for the London Evening Standard, The Guardian, TIME magazine, and The New York Times.
"It's about time for a Presidential Assassination."
In a November 8, 2016 tweet.
Source: "Leftist Threats to Harm or Kill President Donald Trump," The Watchdog, August 2017, page 1.
Posted here: September 11, 2017.
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Comment: The source article states: "In the days following Trump's election, there were hundreds of threats against his life on social media. Twitter even allowed the #AssassinateTrump hashtag to trend on its site, as well as 'Rape Melania.' The liberal media said nothing; the moralizing feminists were silent. If President Barack Obama had been threatened in the same way as President Trump, the leftist press would have condemned it from the highest rooftops. But because the liberal media despise Trump, the real threats against him are censored."
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| Michael Rapaport
Actor and comedian.
"[Donald Trump is a] f***ing pig -- the real people want to get back to work ASAP? You never worked a f***ing day in your life. You're worried about the next four years? You need to be worried about the next four days, motherf***er. You need to be worried about the next four weeks -- the next four months, you motherf***er. You are the worst possible motherf***er we could have in power, making decisions right now. The real people want to get back to work? Why don't you send your f***ing son, d*** stain Donald Trump Jr., big-toothed f***ing Eric Trump, little f***ing Barron, f***ing Ivanka, junkyard Jared -- let them go out there and test the f***ing waters. Let them see if sh** is sweet. Let them take the cars, the trains, the buses, the Amtraks, let them play in the park. And if everything's good after five days of them playing out there in the streets, we'll all go back to [work]."
Said in a video posted on his official Twitter account, March 25, 2020.
Source: "TOP 12: Celebs Sink Lower as They Attack Trump, His Family, and Supporters," of the NewsBusters website.
Posted here: July 6, 2020.
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Comment: Classy guy.
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| Ron Reagan
The son of the Nancy and Ronald Reagan. He is a political pundit for MSNBC. He was a talk radio host for KIRO radio in Seattle until his show was canceled August 8, 2007.
"[Rush] Limbaugh hasn't had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration; think he's compensating for something? Now, I wouldn't pick on him for any of this stuff, not his blubbiness, not his man-boobs, not his inability to have a natural erection -- none of that stuff -- to me, off limits until! Until! Mr. Limbaugh, you turn that sort of gun on somebody else. Once you start doing that, you're fair game, fat boy. Absolutely, you jiggly pile of mess. [. . .] [You look like] the unholy spawn of Tony Soprano and the Michelin Man."
Said on his talk show May 15, 2009, after Rush made fun of Nancy Pelosi's Botox shots.
Source: "Personal Smears against Rush," by L. Brent Bozell III, Watchdog, September 2009, page 6. Address: Media Research Center, 325 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Phone: 800-672-1423. Website.
Posted here: December 21, 2009.
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Comment: Five days after his sweet talk quoted here, he said, "Some horrifyingly intense America-hater like Rush limbaugh, who appears to be morphing into, seriously, he is morphing into Jabba the Hutt. I've seen some recent video, this guy is enormous. He just keeps bloating up. It's just -- I hope he keeps going, because eventually he will croak. Like I said, eventually, he will choke to death on his own throat fat." (There goes that liberal compassion again, hoping for the death of a conservative.)
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| Robert Reich
Barack Obama economic advisor. Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration.
"We're going to have to, if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It's too expensive, so we're going to let you die. [Applause from audience.]"
Said in a September 26, 2007 speech to an audience at the University of California, Berkeley.
Source: The Glenn Beck TV Show, October 26, 2009. (Hear his comments.)
Posted here: November 9, 2009.
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Comment: This kind of thinking is in total alignment with the thinking of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s brother, Ezekiel Emanuel (Obama OMB health policy adviser): "When implemented, the Complete Lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated… The Complete Lives system justifies preference to younger people because of priority to the worst-off rather than instrumental value." [This curve illustrates the Complete Lives concept.]
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| Harry Reid
United States Senator (Democrat) from Nevada, in office since 1987. He became the Senate Majority Leader in January 2007.
"We talk about cost competitiveness, but the one thing we fail to talk about is those costs that you don't see on the bottom line. That is, coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It's global warming. It's ruining our country. It's ruining our world. We've got to stop using fossil fuel. We have for generations taken it out of the earth -- carbon out of the earth -- put it in the atmosphere and it's making us all sick . . ."
Speaking on the Fox Business Channel
Source: The Glen Beck TV program, CNN Headline News, July 1, 2008.
Posted here: July 28, 2008.
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Comment: All too often, Mr. Reid, you make us sick. We've got to stop using Harry Reid!
| Harry Reid
"Seniors love getting junk mail. It's sometimes their only way of communicating or feeling like they're part of the real world."
Said in a Senate floor speech in April 2012.
Source: "The 25 Stupidest Liberal quotes of the Last Decade," on the Townhall.com website.
Posted here: October 27, 2014.
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Comment: Senator Reid claimed senior citizens "love" junk mail and cited this as a reason to pass a United States Postal Service reform bill. (You couldn't make up quotes this stupid.)
(Source of photo.)
| Joy Reid
Cable television host, and a national correspondent at MSNBC.
"[President Trump relishes] deliberate cruelty to children, with this hideous system that legitimately gets talked about as concentration camps. What we see is horror, and the horror is deliberate. The cruelty is the point. His base wants to see this cruelty to prove to them that he is hurting the right people."
Said in Miami prior to the first Democratic primary debate, Wednesday June 26, 2019.
Source: "Minibits," The Watchdog, September 2019, page 8.
Posted here: October 7, 2019.
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Comment: It's hard to believe a sane person could think President Trump wants children treated cruelly. Or worse, that those who voted for him want children treated cruelly. I suppose blind hatred and rage dull one's sense of reason.
| Joy Reid
"[These red states represent] necropolitics, which is essentially the politics of who gets to live and who gets to die. And these states -- what they have in common is that they have structures which say that black and brown lives matter less."
Said March 4, 2021 on MSNBC's "The ReidOut" TV show.
Source: A LifeNews article.
Posted here: March 15, 2021.
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Comment: Absolutely disgraceful. She embarrasses herself. (Often.)
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| Rob Reiner
Actor, writer, director, producer, and activist. As an actor, Reiner first came to national prominence with the role of Michael Stivic on "All in the Family" (1971-1979).
"[President Trump is a] metaphorical bowel movement in front of the American public. I'm just saying the new president's a sh*t."
Said during an appearance on November 14, 2017 on "The Jim Jefferies Show" on Comedy Central.
Source: MRC Newsbusters' article.
Posted here: December 4, 2017.
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Comment: Just imagine if someone on the Right said the very same thing of Barack Obama. The outrage would be never-ending. But those on the Left can be rude and crude and ugly in their comments . . . and it's just fine. The reaction to Rob Reiner's remarks: nothing.
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| John Ridley
Writer of novels, film and television, and PBS Commentator. His sixth novel was Those Who Walk in Darkness.
"Every president to hold office has espoused some version of Americanism . . . But for all their grand rhetoric, and mostly good deeds, none was able to seal the deal on the trifecta of equality, plurality and socioeconomic ascendancy.
Obama has. Obama is the more perfect union. He is a house united. Obama is the new generation and the hot light of a dawn that goes way beyond clever phraseology of ‘Morning in America.’
"Quite simply, quite plainly, just by virtue of his being, Obama is America, and the first true American to lead our nation."
In commentary on the Internet. See video.
Source: A NewsMax e-mail dated 2-1-09. Thanks, NewsMax.
Posted here: February 23, 2009.
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Comment: Mr. Ridley brushes over George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and all the other U.S. Presidents to proclaim Barack Obama the "first true American to lead our nation." This fanaticism is amazing and dangerous. Such blind faith and dedication to someone so inexperienced is a recipe for utter disaster. The writer will never be able to objectively examine Obama's policies and actions. He will only be able to swoon.
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| James Robart
A graduate of Georgetown Law School and a Seattle-based federal judge, Robart, is an expert in patent and intellectual property law. He was appointed to the bench by President George W. Bush in 2004.
"How many (terrorism-related) arrests have there been of foreign nationals for those seven countries (Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Syria and Libya) since 9/11? . . . Let me tell you. The answer to that is none, as best I can tell."
Said February 3, 2017 in a courtroom exchange with Department of Justice lawyer Michelle Bennett.
Source: "Judge Robart Makes Error about Terrorists from List of 7 Countries in Travel Ban," on the Conservative Tribune website.
Posted here: February 13,, 2017.
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Comment: Well, the "best he can tell" is 100 percent wrong! We now know that the premise upon which the judge's decision was based has been proven to be absolutely false! So, that ends it, right? No, not with leftists. Facts never deter them in pursuit of their objectives. (eg: global warming.) They will do everything they can to discredit, belittle, embarrass, obstruct, and intimidate the president of the United States . . . if he's a Republican.
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| John Rogers
A Democrat, serving in the Alabama House of Representatives, representing the 52nd district.
"Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later."
Said May 1, 2019, during a filibuster on an Alabama abortion ban bill that was recently passed.
Source: Blabber/Buzz article.
Posted here: May 5, 2019.
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Comment: Such a callous and heartless view of life is stunning. And overwhelmingly sad.
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| Hassan Rouhani
President of Iran.
"This slogan ['Death to America!'] that is chanted [over and over and over again by the Iranian people] is not a slogan against the American people."
Commenting on CBS's "60 Minutes," as quoted in The Hill.
Source: "Stupid Quotes," The Limbaugh Letter, October 2015, page 12.
Posted here: October 19, 2015.
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Comment: Oh, so it only applies to America's economy, industry, religions, politics, government, military, and society, Gee, that makes me feel a whole lot better.
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| Jerry Rubin
A radical social activist during the 1960s and 1970s, he began to demonstrate on behalf of various left-wing causes after dropping out of Berkeley. Rubin organized the Vietnam Day Committee, led some of the first protests against the war in Vietnam, and was one of the founding members of the Youth International Party or Yippies, along with social and political activist Abbie Hoffman. He was one of the Chicago Seven, and along with six other defendants, was found not guilty on the charge of conspiracy but guilty (with four other defendants) on the charge of incitement. He was sentenced by the judge to more than three years in prison for contempt of court, but all the convictions for incitement were later thrown out by an appeals court.
"[U]ntil you're prepared to kill your parents, you're not really prepared to change the country, because our parents are our first oppressors."
Said on the campus of Kent State University only one week before the rioting which culminated in the death of four students.
Source: "Satan's Bid for Your Child," by Pastor Jack Hyles, on the Jesus Is Savior website.
Posted here: November 29, 2009.
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Comment: After the Vietnam War ended, Rubin became an entrepreneur and businessman. He was an early investor in Apple Computer. In the 1980s he embarked on a debating tour with Abbie Hoffman titled "Yippie versus Yuppie." On November 14, 1994, Rubin jaywalked on Wilshire Boulevard, near UCLA in Los Angeles. A car swerved to miss him, but a second car, immediately behind the first, did not. Rubin was taken to the UCLA Medical Center, where he died 14 days later.
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| Bobby Rush
Democrat member of the U.S. House of Representatives who took office in 1993. He has the distinction of being the only person to defeat Barack Obama in an election for public office. In 1968 he went AWOL from the U.S. Army, but was later honorably discharged. He co-founded the Illinois Black Panther Party. In 1969, he served six months in prison for illegal possession of firearms.
"Raul Castro was a very engaging, down-to-earth and kind man, someone who I would favor as a neighbor. It was almost like visiting an old friend."
Following a visit with Raul Castro in Cuba in April, 2009.
Source: "Making Nice with Castro," by Larry Pratt, The Gun Owners, May 25, 2009, page 8, Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, Virginia 22151. Phone: 703-321-8585.
Posted here: July 27, 2009.
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Comment: Fidel Castro admirers include former Canadian prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, former South African prime minister Nelson Mandela, and, of course former U.S. president Jimmy Carter. Also: Barbara Walters, Peter Jennings, Harry Belafonte, Dan Rather, Jesse Jackson, Oliver Stone, George McGovern, Ted Turner, Bill Clinton, Steven Spielberg (who said his meeting with Castro was "the most important eight hours of my life"), Katie Couric, Jack Nicholson, Errol Flynn, Robert Redford, Danny Glover, Chevy Chase, Cindy Sheehan, and of course many more.