Alphabetical Listing of Quoted
Individuals: D.
- D -
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Frank Marshall Davis
Communist and childhood mentor of Barack Obama.
"[Don't] start believing what they tell you [in college] about equal opportunity and the American way and all that sh*t."
These were words of advice for Barack Obama as he was leaving Hawaii for college.
Source: "The Truth about Barack Obama," an AIM Special Report, by Cliff Kincaid, March 2008, page 4.
Posted here: May 21, 2008.
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: Of course we don't know how influential Mr. Davis was in Mr. Obama's life. Nor do we know how influential his pastor of 20 years, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, was in Mr. Obama's life. We do know Mr. Obama was exposed to a lot of negative influence.
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copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
Richard Dawkins
ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and author. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008. In his 2006 book The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion.
"[A]ny fetus is less human than an adult pig."
Written by Mr. Dawkins in a tweet on March 13, 2013.
The Blaze webpage.
Posted here: September 23, 2013.
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: This is a remarkably stupid thing to say. It is obvious to the world, but I guess not to Mr. Dawking, that a pig is a pig and a human is a human. Not too complicated a concept for 99.999 percent of the population. Dawkins was awarded a Doctor of Science by the University of Oxford in 1989. He holds honorary doctorates in science from the University of
Huddersfield, the University of Westminster, Durham University, the University of Hull, the University of Antwerp, and the University of Oslo, and honorary doctorates from the University of Aberdeen, Open University, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and the University of Valencia. He also holds honorary doctorates of letters from the University of St Andrews and the Australian National University, and was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1997 and the Royal Society in 2001. He is one of the patrons of the Oxford University Scientific Society. Maybe there are more dumb people than I thought.
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know immediately, so I can remove it. I do not wish to use any
copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
Rosario Dawson
and singer. She has appeared in films such as "Men in Black
II," "Sin City," "Clerks II," "Rent," "Death Proof," "The Rundown,"
"Eagle Eye," and "Seven Pounds."
"I feel like we have [with Barack Obama in
the White House] a very vagina-friendly administration."
Speaking at the first Men Can Stop Rape conference at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill, April 14-15, 2009. Ms. Dawson appeared on behalf of the originally-scheduled speaker, Eve Ensler -- playwright of the "Vagina Monologues" and a friend of Dawson.
As stated on her own website.
Posted here: June ???, 2008.
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: The Bluegrass
Pundit remarks, "I wonder how Michelle feels about this accolade?"
Ms. Dawson has been a vocal supporter of President Barack ObamaĆ¢€™s policies, appearing both at the Democratic National Convention and the "We Are One" concert. (Source.)
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know immediately, so I can remove it. I do not wish to use any
copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
Howard Dean
and physician from the state of Vermont. Dean became Governor of Vermont and was elected for five two-year terms. He was
elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee February 2005.
"If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in, uh, the Republican Party."
Said during an interview on National Public Radio in August 2008.
"Gaffe or Truth?" Newsbriefs, Middle America News, October 2008, pages 3-4.
Posted here: October 27, 2008.
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: DNC press secretary Stacie Paxton said Dean "misspoke and corrected himself immediately." However, in 2005, Dean called the Republican Party a "white Christian party," and apparently no one rushed to "correct the record" about that comment.
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know immediately, so I can remove it. I do not wish to use any
copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
Bill de Blasio
Warren Wilhelm, Jr., Mr. de Blasio was elected November 3, 2009 as
the 109th mayor of New York City.
"We don't want any of our fellow New
Yorkers to feel like second class citizens."
In remarks January 12, 2015, explaining
his program to give ID cards to illegal aliens, as quoted in a National
Public Radio website article.
"Stupid Quotes," The Limbaugh Letter, February 2015, page 12.
Posted here: February
9, 2015.
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: We certainly
wouldn't want any illegal aliens feeling like they were illegal aliens.
We can't have that, can we. It's amazing: de Blasio doesn't seem to
realize that illegal aliens aren't citizens! What a sad state
of affairs.
| Bill de Blasio
"When I am president we will even up the score. We will tax the hell out of the wealthy to make this a fairer country."
Said July 31, 2019 in Detroit at the debate of Democrats contending to be the Democrat candidate for president.
Source: BlabberBuzz webpage.
Posted here: August 12, 2019.
Quotes Homepage.
Website Homepage.
Comment: New York City is so out of control, punks are allowed to assault NYPD cops with water and water buckets without any consequences. The cops just walk away. If things in New York are so out of control, imagine what life is like for everyday citizens. If police officers in the city are this vulnerable to attack, no one in the city is safe. (Source.)
| Bill de Blasio
"This [coronavirus outbreak] is a case for a nationalization of crucial factories and industries -- literally a nationalization -- that could produce the medical supplies to prepare this country for what we need."
Said in a comment to MSNBC's Joy Reid, March 14, 2020.
Source: A Townhall webpage.
Posted here: March 16, 2020.
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Website Homepage.
Comment: In other words: This virus is a reason for us to give up capitalism and switch to socialism. Spoken like a true, dyed-in-the-wool socialist.
| Bill de Blasio
"I like to say very bluntly, our mission is to redistribute wealth."
Said during a press conference, December 18, 2020.
Source: DailyWire article.
Posted here: December 21, 2020.
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Comment: The very essence of socialism, communism, and Marxism.
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| Filipe de Castro
Associate Professor, Frederic R. Mayer Fellow II of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M University.
"Can you imagine? After eight years of impeccable [Obama] governance, leaving the White House to a fat klansman with a wife bought from a catalog, surrounded by a collection of savages and misfits, all physically deformed and resentful of their deformities? Obama left a shelf full of reports done by scietists and intellectuals, on every relevant subject necessary to his successor, and his successor cannot read? Low-grade depression? She is entitled to a deep, giant depression. I always though [sic] that this was going to have a normal end, with trump [sic] having a heart attack on top of his daughter and crushing her with his fat, and Kushner having to try to resuscitate her (for the money) from drowning in trump's [sic] vomit of Pepsi and half-chewed chicken nuggets, swallowed in big chunks . . ."
Said in a posting August 7, 2020.
Source: The Blaze website.
Posted here: August 31, 2020.
Quotes Homepage.
Website Homepage.
Comment: The professor was not finished. He also wrote: "We have a moron as president and everyday [sic] he paints the walls of the Oval Office with his own s**t, and the republicans -- including Lying Ted [Cruz] and [John] Corny Cornyn -- clean the walls and the carpet, wipe the drool of [sic] his mouth, and pretend that he is normal." Sounds to me like the professor is some classy guy. (Not!)
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| Diane DeGette
Lawyer and politician who was elected in 1996 as the U.S. Representative for Colorado's 1st congressional district.
"I will tell you these are ammunition -- bullets -- so the people who have those now they are going to shoot them, and so if you ban -- if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available."
Said April 3, 2013, while commenting on legislation that would ban high-capacity gun magazines.
Source: The Denver Post website.
Posted here: April 26, 2021.
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Website Homepage.
Comment: This may come as a shock to Ms. DeGette, but magazines are reusable. They can be filled with more bullets.
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copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
Jessica DelBalzo
says, "I'm a mother, writer, and activist born and raised in New
Jersey. When it comes to writing, my passions are social justice,
family preservation, reproductive rights, and politics."
"I love abortion. I don't [just] accept
it. I don't view it as a necessary evil. I embrace it . . . [T]here is
no need to suggest that abortion be rare. To say so implies a value
judgment, promoting the idea that abortion is somehow distasteful or
immoral and should be avoided."
As quoted at LifeNews.com.
"Stupid Quotes," The Limbaugh Letter, May, 2012, page 15.
Posted here: December
30, 2013.
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: We talk
about people being either "pro-life" or "pro-choice." We ought to talk
about them as being "pro-life," or "pro-death." Such
enthusiasm for first, second, and third trimester abortion, might just
spill over to fourth trimester abortion. Do you suppose Ms.
DelBalzo would "embrace" that as well? (Sadly she would not
be alone.)
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| Johnny Depp
John Christopher Depp II is an actor, producer, and musician. He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor.
"It is just a question -- I'm not insinuating anything. . . . When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? [Referring to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by actor John Wilkes Booth in 1865.] I want to qualify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it has been a while and maybe it is time."
Said to a laughing Glastonbury arts festival crowd in England on June 22, 2017.
Source: Article on the Newsmax Website.
Posted here: July 17, 2017.
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Website Homepage.
Comment: Hate from the Left continues to parade about. Vile, vicious, life-threatening hate. I don't remember any influential, in-the-news people on the right making death threats to Mr. Obama. Could it be liberals are not as caring as they advertise they are? Could it be conservatives are far more caring than how they are portrayed? By the Left?
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| Donny Deutsch
MSNBC pundit.
"[E]very single Trump voter in America is a Nazi."
Said on the air.
Source: "Mass Hysteria," on a WND webpage.
Posted here: August 27, 2018.
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Website Homepage.
Comment: Are loonie leftists like Donny Deutsch pushing their more unstable supporters to unthinkable violence? Let's ask U.S. Representative Steve Scalise, shall we?
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copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
Danny DeVito
actor, producer and director. He gained prominence for his portrayal of
the taxi dispatcher, Louie De Palma, in Taxi (1978–1983).
"It's unfortunate that the entire country
is a racist country. [. . .] We are living in a country that
discriminates and has certain racist tendencies. [. . .]
But just generally speaking, we’re a bunch of racists."
Said during an appearance at the
Sundance Film Festival over the weekend of January 23, 2016
"'We’re a Bunch of Racists': Danny DeVito Blames America for
#OscarsSoWhite" article.
Posted here: February
29, 2016.
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Homepage. |
Comment: What a
terribly racist thing to say. Liberals label conservatives "racist,"
but I think liberals are much more racist than conservatives.
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copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
John Dickerson
CBS News in April 2009, was named CBS News' political director
in November 2011. Dickerson is Slate magazine's Chief
Political Correspondent. Before joining Slate, he was at Time
magazine for 12 years.
"The president who came into office
speaking in lofty terms about bipartisanship and cooperation can only
cement his legacy if he destroys the GOP. If he wants to transform
American politics, he must go for the throat. [. . .] Obama's only
remaining option is to pulverize."
Written in a Slate magazine
article dated January 18, 2013.
Dickerson's article.
Posted here: May 27,
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: This may be
one of the best examples of the kind "non-partisan" correspondent
presently at the helm of mainstream media organizations. When you read
a newspaper or magazine or watch ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MS-NBC, bear in mind
that much of the "unbiased" "reporting" is coming from fierce partisans
like Mr. John Dickerson.
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| Snoop Dogg
Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., aka "Snoop Dogg," is a rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, media personality, entrepreneur, and actor.
"If you like Trump, you are a mother f***ing racist."
Speaking on SiriusXM.
Source: "Minibits," The Watchdog, November 2018, page 8.
Posted here: November 18, 2019.
Quotes Homepage.
Website Homepage.
Comment: That would suggest that as of November 2016, we had some 65 million mother f***ing racists in the US. And maybe in 2020, that number will be even higher.
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copyrighted material. Thanks. (Gielow@Youdontsay.org)
Bernardine Dohrn
leader of the late 1960s radical leftist organization
Weatherman. She is associate professor of Law at Northwestern
University School of Law, and director of Northwestern's Children and
Family Justice Center. She's the wife of the radical Bill Ayers.
"Dig it. First [the Manson family] killed
those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them They even
shoved a fork into a victim's stomach! Wild!"
Commenting at a rally on the murder of
Sharon Tate and others killed by the Manson family.
"You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Candidate Blows," by Ann
Coulter, Human Events, April 28, 2008, page 6.
Posted here: May 21,
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: Ah yes! Who
better to be director of the Children and Family Justice Center at
Northwestern. What an outrage!
Bernardine Dohrn
"Bring the revolution home, kill your
parents. That's where it's at."
Said at rallies.
"You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Candidate Blows," by Ann
Coulter, Human Events, April 28, 2008, page 6.
Posted here: May 21,
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: Let me say
it again: she's director of the Children and Family Justice
Center at Northwestern.
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| Ariel Dumas
Writer for the CBS program "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert"
"Whatever happens, I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life."
Written in a tweet to her 46,000 followers on October 6, 2018.
Source: GOPUSA article
Posted here: October 22, 2018.
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Comment: The referenced article says "She deleted the tweet the next day and issued an apology, saying her original tweet was a poor 'attempt at sarcasm.'" I don't believe it was sarcasm. I believe it was heart-felt hate.
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Michael Eric Dyson
author, and radio host, he is a professor of sociology at Georgetown University. Mr. Dyson has authored and edited 18 books. He became an ordained Baptist minister at the age of 19.
"You know, I'm a Christian preacher, and God finally said, 'Look, I can't send nobody else. I got to go myself.' And I ain't saying that Obama is Jesus, but for many of his followers he is."
Said August 23, 2014, on MSNBC's
Melissa Harris-Perry Show, arguing that Obama should visit Ferguson,
"Michael Eric Dyson: I'm Not Sayin' Obama Is Jesus, But His Followers
Do," on the Western Journalism website.
YouTube video
of Mr. Dyson's statement.
Posted here: April 6, 2015.
Quotes Homepage. Website Homepage.
Comment: God help us.
| Michael Eric Dyson
"[President Trump] gets up every morning and excretes the feces of his moral depravity into a nation he has turned into a psychic commode."
Said on "The View," June 4, 2018.
Source: The Watchdog, December 2018, page 3.
Posted here: April 22, 2019.
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Website Homepage.
Comment: It would seem people like Mr. Dyson are terribly angry and unhappy people. Very sad.