Hillary, Was That You?
By Fred Gielow
I must mention there is disagreement about some of the points outlined below.
There are websites that refute what is suggested in the information here.
I urge you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
Posted here for December 29, 2014.

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Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, born October 26, 1947, was United States
Secretary of State, a U.S. Senator, and First Lady of the United States.
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Hillary, was that you who in 1969, wrote a 92-page senior thesis at Wellesley College titled "There Is Only the Fight . . .: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model." That was a reference to Saul Alinsky, the famed radical community organizer who wrote Rules for Radicals in 1971. The book was (and is) a practical manual of tactics for breaking down civil society. Alinsky was a democratic socialist who worked closely for years with Chicago's communist party and did everything in his power to advance communist programs. Most of his innovations were patterned on communist-party organizing tactics.
And by the way, Hillary, didn't you write a fan letter to Mr. Alinsky in 1971, when you were doing a summer internship at the far-left-wing law firm of Treuhaft, Walker, and Bernstein?
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Hillary, was that you who, in the mid-1980 said (speaking to the staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion): "Where is the g**d*** f**k*** flag? . . . I want the g**d**m f**k*** flag up every f**k*** morning at f**k*** sunrise!" Affable, smiling, good-hearted Hillary, was that you?
Source of information: Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, 1995, page 244.

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Hillary, was that you who "earned" $100,000 in profit in 1979 on a $1,000 investment in volatile cattle futures over the course of only nine months, when you knew absolutely nothing about cattle futures? Or did it have something to do with a highly placed Tyson Foods connection? As you well know, Tyson profited handsomely in Arkansas, with state loans and appointments. Hillary, oh Hillary, were you involved in an unlawful act?
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Sara Noble at the Independent Sentinel reported that during an early-December 2014 speech at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, you, Hillary: "[want] us to show 'respect,' 'understanding,' and 'empathy' for our enemies like ISIS, the people who want to kill us and bring the war to us. The very same people who behead babies, cut children in half, crucify teenagers, enslave women, and torture everyone."
Hillary, was it you who made that speech? Did you say we should respect and understand our enemies? During World War II, should we have respected and understood Adolph Hitler?
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Hillary, was that you who said: "Well, you have no reason to remember, but we came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt. We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea's education. It was not easy. Bill has worked really hard, and it's been amazing to me. He's worked very hard. First of all, we had to pay off all our debts . . . we had to make double the money because of, obviously, taxes and pay off the debts and get us houses and take care of family members."?
Did you really say that, Hillary? Did you really expect us to believe that?
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In 1997, federal judge Royce Lamberth levied $286,000 in sanctions against Bill Clinton's administration for "running amok" in a "cover-up" of the health-care task force, which spent over 13 million dollars of taxpayer money. The scandal began when deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster made contradictory assertions about the first lady's job status, in an attempt to keep the work of the task force secret. Foster later committed suicide, and a Secret Service agent saw Margaret Williams carry boxes of papers out of Foster's office before investigators showed up to seal the office.
Hillary, was that your health-care task force? Were you the first lady at the time? Was Margaret Willims your chief of staff?
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Someone masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president's and the Democratic Party's re-election efforts when it appeared, due to their low standing in the polls, that all the stops needed to be pulled out.
Hillary, was that you? Were you the mastermind of that illegal scheme?
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Jerry Zeifman, the man who served as chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate hearings, has tried for years to tell the story about his former staffer's behavior during those proceedings. Mr. Zeifman said he fired the staffer for unethical behavior and because she conspired to deny Richard Nixon counsel during the hearings.
Hillary, were you the staffer fired from the committee? Did you engage in unethical behavior? Did you try to deny Richard Nixon counsel?
During Mr. Zeifman's 17-year career, he refused to give a letter of recommendation to only three people. Were you one of those who earned that dubious distinction?
Mr. Zeifman explained why you, Hillary, were fired from the committee and not given a letter of recommendation: "Because she was a liar," he said. "She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality."
Is that true, Hillary?
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Hillary, are you one of those who has trouble speaking the truth? Was it you who said Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, when she was actually in bed watching it on TV? Was it you who said you were named after Sir Edmund Hillary, who was an unknown until he climbed Mt. Everest five years after you were born? Was it you who said you were under sniper fire in Bosnia at the airport, when you weren't? A girl actually presented you with flowers at the foot of the ramp. Was it you who said you learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market, even though the paper didn't cover the futures market back then?
Hillary, why are you and the truth such strangers?
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Hillary, was that you who, in San Francisco June 28, 2004, said: "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." Did you actually say that? Wouldn't you say that sounds a lot like what Karl Marx wrote in 1875 in Critique of the Gotha Program? "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Isn't your statement the essence of communism?
Source of quotation: The American Sentinel September 2004, page 8.

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Hillary, was that you who told supporters at a campaign rally in October, 2014, "Don't let anybody tell you that . . . it's corporations and businesses that create jobs."? Why would you say such a dumb thing? You must know it's not true. You must know such a statement is absolutely asinine.
On October 27th, just a few days after your statement, you attempted to distance herself from your own comments, saying, "Our economy grows when businesses and entrepreneurs create good-paying jobs here in America and workers and families are empowered to build from the bottom up and the middle out -- not when we hand out tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs or stash their profits overseas."
What are we to believe, Hillary? That you don't know what you're saying when you make a speech (even though you charge $200,000 per speech)? That you were just saying something you thought your audience wanted to hear? Or that you believed it when you said it, but then quickly changed your mind?
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Hillary, was that you who, on September 13, 2012, said a "disgusting and reprehensible" anti-Muslim video triggered the violence in Benghazi? Was it you who, on September 14, 2012, shamelessly stood in front of flag-draped caskets of Americans killed in Benghazi and blamed a YouTube video for their murder? Shortly after that, was it you and President Obama in partnership who spent $70,000 in taxpayer money on a commercial that aired on Pakistani television apologizing for the "video?"
Was it you, along with Barack Obama, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, and others, who continued to blame the "video," when you and the others knew absolutely the video was not to blame? Would you lie to us about such a serious matter?
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After being pressed January 23, 2013 by Republican Senator Ron Johnson to explain how it was that over the course of weeks, the Obama Administration stood by an absurd story claiming that four Americans were murdered in Libya due to a spontaneous protest gone bad, you, Hillary, played the indignation card. Because you obviously had no answer to justify the ongoing White House deception, you chose theatrics over a straight answer and clarity: "Whether it was because of a protest or because guys outside for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans, what difference at this point does it make?"
A Townhall article has an answer for you, Hillary: "One year after Clinton's testimony on Benghazi, we still have very few answers about what happened and the families of those who were killed are far from receiving closure. What difference does it make? A hell of a difference!"
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Hillary, was that you who recommended your former law partners -- Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and William Kennedy -- for positions in the Justice Department, White House staff, and U.S. Treasury Department, respectively? Were those your recommendations?
It turned out they weren't very good recommendations. Hubbell was later imprisoned, Foster committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign. Also, didn't you recommended a close friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of director of White House security? When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of up to 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, didn't you and your husband deny knowing him?
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Hillary, was that you who assumed the duty of directing the "bimbo eruption squad" and scandal defense during husband Bill's sex scandal? Were you the one who urged Bill not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit? Were you the one who refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. You'll recall that after $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about his affairs and later admitting them.
Was it you who almost got yourself indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice? Didn't you avoid those charges by repeating, "I do not recall," "I have no recollection," and "I don't know" 56 times under oath?
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Hillary, was that you who accepted the traditional First Lady's role of decorator of the White House at Christmas time in 1994? And was it at your direction that The First Lady's Tree in the Blue Room was decorated with drug paraphernalia, sex toys, and pornographic ornaments? Did you indeed solicit and then personally approve the decorations as the invited artists' depictions of the theme, "The Twelve Days of Christmas?" Hillary, say it isn't so!
(I know, this is hard to believe, but read about it for yourself.)
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Hillary, was that you who, when you left the White House, took 200,000 worth of White House furniture, china, and artwork? It is said you subsequently returned what you had taken. Is that true? Are you a thief, as well as someone who can't tell the truth?
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Hillary, is it true that when you were U.S. Secretary of State, your motorcade was pelted with rotten tomatoes and shoes as you were being driven to the opening of a U.S. Consulate General in the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria? Is it true the mob chanted "Monica, Monica?"
Egyptian journalist Mohammed Wahby warned us back then that the old Bill Clinton affair could have dangerous ramifications in his part of the world. Wahby said Bill Clinton's scandal would inflame Islamists.
Some say you were the worst secretary of state in U.S. history. After all, you hailed the election of Mohamed Morsi (a Muslim Brotherhood candidate) as Egypt's president. You lashed out at Israel. Your Russian policy has been a catastrophe. You sternly warned the Russians (and Chinese) that they "will pay a price" for their vetoes of U.N. sanctions against Syria's Alawite regime. And what price was that? Nothing! You sent ten Russian spies home in first class so Obama's "Hamburger Summit" with then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev would get off to a good start.
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article states: "In her chosen field of foreign policy . . . Hillary Clinton has racked up a terrible record. And it should not go without mention that she has pushed an agenda of abortion and homosexuality worldwide. None of this makes Americans safer or more esteemed in the world."
Hillary, what would you say about that?
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Meghan Daum wrote in the Chicago Tribune: "[Hillary] Clinton's finale could hardly have been more dramatic. After falling ill with a stomach virus in early December, she fainted, suffered a concussion and landed in a hospital with a blood clot between her brain and skull." Hillary, is that true?
Apparently doctors diagnosed you with several problems. You had a right transverse venous thrombosis, or a blood clot between your brain and skull (although some say the cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) wasn't caused by a concussion, but instead was itself the cause of your collapse -- and perhaps you may have even suffered a mild stroke). You had developed the clot in one of the veins that drains blood from the brain to the heart.
To make matters worse, it turned out you have an intrinsic tendency to form clots and faint. In addition to the fainting spell you suffered in Buffalo a few years before, you fainted boarding your plane in Yemen, you fell and fractured your elbow in 2009, and you suffered other unspecified fainting episodes. Several years earlier, you developed a clot in your leg and you were put on anticoagulant therapy by your doctor. However, you stopped taking your medicine, and perhaps that explains the most recent thrombotic event.
Apparently a thorough medical examination revealed that your tendency to form clots was the least of your problems. You also suffer from a thyroid condition, which is common among women your age, and your fainting spells indicated there was an underlying heart problem as well. A cardiac stress test indicated your heart rhythm and heart valves are not normal. Put into layman's language, your heart valves are not pumping in a steady way. Apparently, your doctors considered performing valve-replacement surgery, but they ultimately decided against it. Still, before you were released from the hospital, doctors warned: "She has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life."
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So, Hillary, if all of this is true (or even just half of it), what does it say about your future? Do you really want to run for President?

The road back home.